Konferenciát rendeznek a fiatal egyiptológusok
2006. augusztus 24. 11:45
Tervezett program
2006. augusztus 31. Csütörtök - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Múzeum krt. 4/B, 172. terem, 09:00-17:00
- Megnyitó beszéd: Dr. Habil. Bács Tamás, tanszékvezető, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Egyiptológiai Tanszék
- Megemlékezés Prof. Gaál Ernő egyetemi tanárról, az ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kara Egyiptológiai Tanszékének egykori tanszékvezetőjéről: Schreiber Gábor
Egyiptom külkapcsolatai
- Alexander Ahrens (Tübingen-München): The Egyptian Stone Vessels with Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from the Royal Tomb at Tell Mishrife/Qatna - New Historical and Archaeological Considerations
- Petrik Máté (Budapest): The Connection between Crete and Egypt in the Middle Bronze Age
- Simon Zsolt (Budapest): Zur Datierung des Kurutama-Vertrages
Giacomo Cavillier (Genova): Egypt's Foreign and Internal Relations in the Ramesside Age: The Case of the Sherden - Todd Gillen (Sydney): "His Horses are like Falcons": War Imagery in Ramesside Texts
Nyelv és Irodalom
- Miroslav Verner (Prága): Recent Archaeological Discoveries of the Czech Team in Abusir and in the Oasis el-Haiez in the Western Desert
- Egedi Barbara (Budapest): Reconsidering the Categorial Status of Coptic Suffix and Conjugation Base
- Sara Mastropaolo (Párizs): Research on Animal Lexicography in Ancient Egypt
- Nikolaos Lazaridis (Oxford): Time in Timeless Wisdom: The Use of Tense in Demotic and Greek Sayings
- Almásy Adrienn (Budapest): A Greek Amazon in an Egyptian Story - The Character of Queen Serpot in the Cycle of Petubastis
2006. szeptember 1. Péntek - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Múzeum krt. 4/B, 172. terem
1. szekció, 09:00-17:00
Egyiptom történelme
- A.J. Tonny de Wit (Leiden): Ethnicity and State Formation in Egypt - Ideology and Practice
- Király Attila (Budapest): The Phenomenon of Border in Expression of Culture: Elephants in Early Egypt
- Hudecz András (Budapest): Old Kingdom Markets: A Formalised Model
- Simone Petacchi (Pisa): The Name "Medjayt" from Ethnonym to Anthroponym. A Peculiar Characteristic of the Middle Kingdom
- Serena Lopizzo (Milano): Studies about Ancient Egyptian Ships
- Dembitz Gabriella (Budapest): The Decree of Sethos II at Karnak
- Claus Jurman (Birmingham - Bécs): Bw Xrj Hm=f - The Place Where His Majesty Dwells. Some remarks about the localisation of royal palace, residence and central administration in Late Period Egypt
Régészet és technológia
- Luft Ulrich (Budapest): Bir Minih - A New Gold-Mine in the Eastern Desert
- Henning Franzmeier (Göttingen): A Ramesside Well at Samana near Qantir - A New Insight into the Hydrological Technology of Pharaonic Egypt
- Christian Knoblauch (Berlin - Sydney): Lower, Upper or Something Different? A critical analysis of the ceramic chronology of Askut in Lower Nubia in light of
regional studies in Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate ceramics - Bechtold Eszter (Budapest): Reinterpretation of Coptic Looms Based on Material from TT 65
- Johanna Sigl (München): Pits with Crossbeams - Investigations on the Loomremains from Coptic Egypt
- Melanie Sapsford (Cranfield): Natron - It's Use in Egyptian Industries
- Alexi A. Krol (Moszkva): Topography of Ancient Memphis: Previous Theories and New Data
- Franc Zalewski (Krakkó): Patina on the Bedrocks and Monumental Buildings of the Giza Region, Egypt
2006. szeptember 1. Péntek - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Múzeum krt. 4/B, 217. terem
2. szekció, 09:00-17:00
Vallás és társadalom
- Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska: "O king! Turn about! O king! Shout! Shout! Day by day, night by night" - Egyptian Eulogy of Life
- Horváth Zoltán (Budapest): A Multi-faceted Goddess in a Late Middle Kingdom Pyramid Town: Hathor at el-Lahun
- Gulyás András (Budapest - Párizs): The New Solar Religion during the Reign of Amenhotep III
- Edoardo Alessandro Guzzon (Pisa): Local and Peculiar Priestly Titles in Lower Egypt in the III Intermediate Period and Late Epoch
- Sara Caramello (Udine): The Reception of the Egyptian Funerary Cult by the Near Eastern Communities in the Memphis Area
- Tytus K. Mikołajczak (Gdańsk): Religion of Persians in Egypt
- Mladen Tomorad (Zágráb): Egyptian Artifacts from Greek-Roman Periods in Croatia - Evidences of religious and cultural connections with Ancient Egypt during Hellenistic and Roman times
- Holger Kockelmann (Trier): It's not Always the Book of the Dead! On the Unusual Texts of Berlin P. 3071 and Other Mummy Wrappings from Graeco-Roman Egypt
- Schreiber Gábor (Budapest): The Final Acts of Embalming. An archaeological note on some rare objects in Theban elite burials of the Early Ptolemaic Period
- Marie-Eve Colin (Párizs): The Bekhen-gate and Hathor
- Kathrin Kleibl (Hamburg): Watercrypts in Sanctuaries of Egyptian Deities in the Graeco-Roman Period in the Mediterranean Region
- Irsay-Nagy Balázs (Budapest): Ptolemy V in Memphis. The Royal Enthronement Rituals in Ptolemaic Egypt
- Kiss Enikő (Budapest): Simon Magus und seine Gnosis
- Paula Alexandra Veiga (Liszabon): Heka
2006. szeptember 2. Szombat - Szépművészeti Múzeum
Ión Piramis, 10:00-17:00
Művészet és építészet
- Zbigniew Szafranski (Varsó): Giving Back the Temple to King Hatshepsut
Andrzej Ćwiek (Poznań): Memorial of Erasures - Giorgia Urbani (Bologna - London): Re-used Blocks in New Kingdom Temples from the West Bank at Thebes
- Agnieszka Joanna Ochał (Krakkó): Christian Egypt - The Problematic Churches with a Central Plan
- Vasáros Zsolt (Budapest): Tomb Architecture in the New Kingdom: Case Studies
- Janne Arp (München): The Private Tombs of Tell el-Amarna - New Results from Old Publications
- Vértes Krisztián (Budapest): Aesthetics and Objectivity - New ways and old tradition in object documentation
Művészet és ikonográfia
- Nagy Adrienn (Budapest): Jambes arquées. The African Dwarf as the Source of Inspiration of Huwawa and Bes
- Grazyna Bakowska (Krakkó) - Elvira D'Amicone (Torino): Two Magic Gems from the Egyptian Museum in Turin and their Provenance and Trade in the 18th and 19th Centu
- Sergej Ivanov (Moszkva): House of Gold: Sculptor's Workshop in the New Kingdom
- Ewa Józefowicz (Varsó): A Priest from the Middle of the XVIIIth Dynasty at Deir el-Bahari
- Aleksandra Hallmann (Gdańsk): The Cloak of Pekartror: Novelty or Tradition?
A konferenciáról és a további programokról bővebb felvilágítás található a Fiatal Egyiptológusok Negyedik Közép-Európai Konferenciájának honlapján.